... because it implies loss and absence.

We met fewer female Buryat shamans was also that so many of them traveled incessantly

There are some areas in many cultures where women are not permitted to go. But in Mongolia, women and men alike travel extensively, and Buryats are no exception. Indeed, the fact that …

Female Burjats shamans in the town of Bayan-Uul

What does it mean for shamans to have power if, despite claims of gender neutrality, being a female complicates the ways in which shamanic power is acquired? Female Burjats shamans in the …

The unique shamanic rituals of the Buryat people have evolved in response to the colonization

The unique shamanic rituals of the Buryat people have evolved in response to the colonization, displacement, and marginalization that their people have endured. The Buryats preserved their heritage through the practice of …

Burjats Hoimorin Högshin’s Spririt Birth, The Ingedei Buryats

Burjats Hoimorin Högshin’s Spririt Birth. To keep their cattle hydrated during the winter, the Buryats would carve holes in the ice of the Ingedei River. Observing a woman dressed in a red …